Savannah Pediatrics will be conducting flu shot clinics on Saturday, November 6th, and Saturday, November 13th. We will have extra staff on hand to give flu shots from 8:30-11:00 by appointment only. Call us today and schedule your child’s flu shot! 912.644.4900


Our flu shot campaign starts this Saturday, October 3rd. We will have extra staff on hand to give flu shots from 8:30-11:00, by appointment only. Additional flu shot clinics will be held on the following two Saturdays (10/10 & 10/17). Call us today at 912.644.4900, and schedule your child’s flu shot!

Article Featuring Dr. Manocha

An article published on Healthcare Innovation titled “COVID-19 and the Massive Primary Care Challenge” features our very own Dr. Manocha. During a recent webinar presentation, primary care leaders described their COVID-related struggles from the frontlines. Check it out here!

Back to School

Back to School

Ivette D. Rico, M.D.


School is back in session! As kids go back to school, they will be exposed to many different illnesses and they may get sick. We want our children to get better fast so they can return to school. The question is: Is it a cold or something else?

Upper respiratory infections or “common colds” are one of the most common illnesses, and one of the leading causes for doctor visits and school absences.

URI is caused by a virus that produces inflammation on the membranes of the nose and throat. It can be caused by any of more than 200 different viruses (Rhinovirus is the most common).

During a “cold” the immune system reacts to the virus producing an increase in mucus production, swelling of membranes inside the nose, sneezing and cough.

The symptoms may last from 1 to 2 weeks. There is no cure for the common cold, and antibiotics will not help treat a cold.

Treatments to help relieve the symptoms include increased fluid intake, saline nasal drops, and the use of a cool mist humidifier.

The most important medicine is prevention. Prevention measures include staying away from other “sick” people, frequent hand washing, and keeping hands off your face, nose and mouth.

If symptoms do not improve or a secondary infection is suspected such as an ear infection, sinus infection, pneumonia or throat infection, contact your pediatrician’s office!

Have a great school year!!

What You Need to Know about Measles


There have been cases of measles in New York City, New York state and Washington, as well as a few cases in Atlanta. During this measles outbreak, there are a few things that everyone should know.


  1. People with measles are contagious four days before they develop the rash, and the virus can live in the air up to two hours after an infected person sneezes or coughs.
  2. Usually the symptoms start with fever, cough, runny nose and “pink eye”, like any other virus. Three to five days later a rash begins on the face and neck, spreading downward all over the body. This is when you realize it’s not a usual virus.
  3. Most of the time patients will recover, but on some occasions there can be complications like diarrhea and ear infection with hearing loss. More serious complications include pneumonia, inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), or even death.
  4. And finally, it is important to know that measles can be prevented with a vaccine. Measles vaccine is usually given as part of the MMR vaccine at 12 to 15 months of age and a second dose is given at 4 to 6 years of age. Only one dose is 93% effective in preventing the disease and the second dose insures added effectivity to 97%. This is a safe vaccine and does not cause autism. Most of the time, these outbreaks start in areas with a high number of unvaccinated children.


So to keep our children safe, it is important to vaccinate them!


Ivette D.Rico, M.D.

February 12, 2019

We Are Members of Privia Medical Group

As of October, 23, 2018, we are proud members of Privia Medical Group!